Copyright policy

1 Copyright Infringement Procedure:

The copyright notice for the infringing work or material must include:

  • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of a copyright owner who may have been infringed;
  • Information about the location of the infringing material that the copyright owner wishes to remove, with enough detail for the company to find and verify its existence;
  • Contact details of the notifier, including address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address;
  • A statement that the information provided is correct and the notifying party is authorized to file a complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.


2 Actions taken by the appointed representative upon receipt of a valid bona fide breach notice:

Remove or disable access to material that may be infringing;

Notify a content provider, participant, or user that material that may be infringing will be removed from the system and that the company will terminate such content provider, participant, or user access to the Service.


 3 Procedure for submitting a reply to the designated representative:

If a content provider, participant, or user believes that material that has been removed or access denied is either infringing, or that a content provider, participant, or user considers that they have the right to post and use such copyright owner material, the copyright owner's agent whether the content provider, participant or user designated by law is required to send a counter-notification with the following information:

3.1. Physical or electronic signature of the content provider, participant or user;

3.2. Identification of the removed material or access ban and the location where the material appeared before it was removed or disabled;

3.3. A statement that the content provider, participant, or user believes in good faith that the material was removed or disabled as a result of an error or misidentification of the material; and the name, address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address of the content provider, participant or user and a statement that such person or entity agrees to the jurisdiction of the area in which the content provider, member or user is located, or the address of the provider, participant or user is outside the Republic of Latvia, in any judicial area in which the company is located, and that such person or entity will accept notice of the proceedings from the person who provided notice of the alleged breach.

If the designated representative receives a counter-notification, the company may send a copy of the counter-notification to the original complainant, informing that person that it may, within 10 working days, replace the removed material or stop disabling it. Unless the copyright owner files a lawsuit against the content provider, participant, or user, the removed material may be replaced or access restored within 10 to 14 business days of receiving the counter-notification, at the Company's discretion.